The Langenhoven Student Centre, affectionately known as The Neelsie, is the hub of student life on campus. A place to meet, a hub for entertainment and a retail offering that addresses all the retail needs of students, visitors and staff on campus. The retail and service offering are uniquely tailored for students. The Neelsie sets Stellenbosch University apart from all others with this unique, convenient focus on student life and the contribution to the student experience.

The Neelsie History

Cornelis Jacobus Langenhoven was born on 13 August 1873 and died on 15 July 1932. He was a poet who played a significant role in the development of Afrikaans literature. His most famous and notable work was Die Stem van Suid-Afrika which we wrote in 1918 and was adopted as the National Anthem and parts of it remain in the present National Anthem. His nick-name was Neelsie. It is after him that the Langenhoven Studnent Centre acquired it’s name and is affectionately referred to as The Neelsie.

On the 15 September 1975, the Neelsie opened it’s doors for the first time for students. It was built at a cost of R2 million. It originally comprised a dance hall that could accommodate 350 couples with seating for more than 600 people as well as various recreation rooms. It has evolved over time and eventually commercialized to offer staff and students the benefit of retail, banking, services, recreation and additional eating facilities on campus by securing quality tenants.

What The Neelsie Offers

Die Neelsie is your one-stop, retail and student centre, offering some 5000m2 of retail shops, all major banks, a food court, a large format screen and stage for entertainment, venue facilities and services in the heart of the Stellenbosch Campus.

Film Shoots and Exhibitions

For Film Shoots and Exhibitions, please visit:

or email
0 Shops

In The Neelsie

0 Years

The Neelsie was established in 1975


Gross Letable Area (GLA) for tenants

0 Students

Can be hosted in the food court (in non-covid times)

Where the name Neelsie comes from

The Neelsie is your one-stop-student-shop – offering approximately 5 000 m² of shopping convenience and approximately 5 000 m² of university offices and lecture halls in the heart of Stellenbosch.

Before you take a doss in the middle of your first lecture, boost your energy levels with a quick cuppa from one of our coffee shops or grab an amasi from Kwikspar. Late for your next lecture, but hungry like the Maties front row at half time? Not to worry, we’ve got your appetite covered. Grab some slap chips or a super smoothie on your way to class.

We’ve got a large format LED screen which displays important information and relevant advertorial content during the day and entertainment and TV after hours. Various recreational spaces are available for hire. Die Vrouevereniging Hall, situated on the first floor, regularly hosts student dances and functions. Our top floor is home to Matie FM, the Student Representative Council, MAD SQUARE (MAD²), various student associations’ offices, as well as FHARGA’s lecture rooms and study area.

Centre Management

The Letting Office manages The Neelsie and is a division of Suncom

Leasing and general centre management

Carla Joubert | E-mail: cjoubert@sun.ac.za 

Faizel Moos (Manager: Letting Office) | E-mail: faizelm@sun.ac.za

General enquiries

Karin van Veijeren | E-mail: kvv@sun.ac.za

Promotions & Film Shoots

CECO | E-mail: cecoevents@sun.ac.za

Pro Events manager

Jan Dreyer | E-mail: cm-uos@proevents-sa.co.za

Tsebo Cleaning Service

Tania Swain | E-mail: tswain@tsebocleaning.co.za 

Special Facilities

We cater for our disabled shoppers by offering a complimentary wheelchair for the duration of the shopping trip, available at Centre Management. Speak to one of our friendly security staff members if you need assistance. We also have specially designed restrooms and disabled parking bays for your convenience.


The Neelsie is kept safe and secure by Pro Events. For any queries, contact:

For Enquiries Please Contact
Karin van Veijeren

Cleaning Services

The Neelsie is kept spic and span by Tsebo Cleaning Service. For any queries, contact:

For Enquiries Please Contact
Karin van Veijeren

Have a question & want find out more?